Accounting Diagnostics

If you're examining your diagnostics tab and wondering how to resolve any identified issues, this article will provide a comprehensive overview of each diagnostic and guide you through the necessary steps to correct any issues.



Quick View Guide:

Manager Ledger Balance

Negative Bank Accounts

Reserve Not Met

Escrow Mismatch

Prepayment Mismatch

Unused Prepayment

Bank Account Reconciliation Lapse

Vendor Insurance Lapse

Suppressed Fee Balance Mismatch

Unused Vendor Credits

Credit Debit Mismatch



Manager Ledger Balance

  • This diagnostic is visible only to users operating in bill mode. It should consistently reflect a balance of $0. If a non-zero balance appears, it may indicate that you have transitioned from management mode to bill mode while carrying a balance. This diagnostic tracks the amount still associated with the manager ledger. For assistance in correcting any discrepancies, please contact



Negative Bank Accounts

  • The negative bank accounts diagnostic will inform you of any portfolio ledgers that have a negative cash balance. This can occur if you pay out the owner more than what is available, if you have an overdraft override amount set and paid out bills, or if there were returned payments after funds were sent out. This diagnostic will let you know the bank account that is negative, the portfolio ledger this is tied to, and the negative dollar amount.
  • To correct these you will need to either have the owner fund their portfolio through a contribution or for the property management company to fund the account. Here is an article you can give owners to show them how to make a contribution or you can record a contribution for them if they send you another form of payment by clicking here. If you would like to fund the account then you can click here

Below is an example of a negative bank account from the portfolio ledger. This is the same amount that reflects on the diagnostic page.



Reserve Not Met

  • The "reserve not met" diagnostic monitors situations where a portfolio's operating balance dips below the designated reserve amount. This can occur when bills are paid from the reserve balance, causing it to fall short.
  • To address this issue, you have two options: you can request the owner to contribute additional funds to replenish the reserve, or you can wait for extra income from a lease, which will automatically be held back to restore the balance. Once the operating balance meets or exceeds the required reserve amount, the diagnostic will be updated accordingly.

Here is an example of how this will reflect on the portfolio ledger.



Escrow Mismatch


Please note that if you only use one bank account to hold both operating funds and security deposits you will always see an escrow mismatch. You can toggle off this diagnostic as it will not pertain to your account. 

  • The escrow mismatch diagnostic will show all portfolio ledgers that have a mismatch between the escrow balance and the security deposit balance. The escrow balance is the amount of funds in the escrow (security deposit) bank account that is set on this portfolio. The security deposit balance is made up of paid lease charges that are marked "Tracked as Security Deposit" under all of the leases for this portfolio.
  • These mismatches usually occur based on the following two scenarios. One is the tenant made a payment that applied to a security deposit charge but it was made to the operating bank account. This would cause there to be a security deposit balance but there would be no funds in the escrow balance. On the alternative, you may do a move out of a lease and forfeit the security deposit to the owner. If these funds were held in the security deposit bank account you would need to transfer from the escrow account to the operating account. If this is not done you would have a balance in the escrow balance but no amount in the security deposit balance.
  • There are other similar actions that can cause this mismatch. For a full overview on diagnosing these issues and correcting them you can follow this article.

Below is an example of how this mismatch reflects on the portfolio ledger.



Prepayment Mismatch

  • The prepayment mismatch diagnostic displays the portfolio ledger, operating balance, and prepayment balance. This diagnostic is triggered when the operating balance is negative while a prepayment balance exists for the portfolio. Essentially, it indicates that although the operating balance is negative, there are funds available in the prepayment balance that have not yet been allocated to any charges on a lease.
  • If the negative operating balance matches the prepayment balance, these amounts will offset each other once the prepayment is applied, resulting in the issue being resolved. However, if the prepayment balance is less than the negative operating balance, the negative amount will persist even after applying the prepayment. In such cases, you will need to request a contribution from the owner or provide funding from the property management company to eliminate the negative balance and rectify this diagnostic.

Here is an example of how this reflects on the portfolio ledger.



Unused Prepayment

  • The unused prepayment diagnostic will show you all funds on a lease that currently are not allocated to any charges on the lease. This diagnostic has columns for the unit, the tenants attached to the lease, and the prepayment balance. 
  • This is a diagnostic to easily view all prepayment balances in the system. Once new charges are posted to the lease and the prepayment applies to those charges then it will be removed from this diagnostic. If you know that there should not be a prepayment then you can go to the lease and add a charge for the prepayment amount to apply to in order to remove it from the diagnostic or remove the payment if it was recorded in error (removing/voiding payments does not apply to ACH payments). 

Below is an example of a prepayment balance that is tied to a lease. 



Bank Account Reconciliation Lapse

  • The bank account reconciliation lapse diagnostic will inform you of bank accounts that have not been reconciled within the last 60 days. This will give you the bank account name and the last reconciliation date. To remove these from the diagnostic you will need to complete a reconciliation for the bank account listed. For assistance in completing a reconciliation you can follow this article.



Vendor Insurance Lapse

  • The vendor insurance lapse diagnostic monitors any vendors whose insurance coverage has expired, including both liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance. In this section, you will find the vendor names along with the respective expiration dates for each type of insurance.
  • To resolve issues flagged by this diagnostic, you will need to update the insurance information directly within the vendor's contact.

Below is an example of where you can view the insurance information on a vendor contact.



Suppressed Fee Balance Mismatch

  • The suppressed fee balance mismatch diagnostic tracks all of your passthrough suppressed fees. You will see multiple columns for the property, portfolio, account, and the balance of the mismatch.
  • There are a couple of typical scenarios as to why you would see amounts here. One would be that you collected a suppressed fee on a lease but the owner was never billed to complete the passthrough. This would cause you to see a positive amount in this section and would mean the owner owes you that amount. Another scenario is if you bill the owner using a suppressed general ledger account but the tenant was never charged using that same general ledger account. This would reflect as a negative amount in the amount column and would mean you owe the owner those funds.
  • There are multiple ways to correct the items on this diagnostic. For a full overview of this diagnostic and how to make necessary corrections you can follow this article.

Please note that if suppressed charges are collected on the lease, but management fees aren't posted and paid yet for the month you will see them here. It is always recommended to post and pay your management fees before trying to use other methods from the above article.



Unused Vendor Credits

  • The unused vendor credits diagnostic highlights all credits allocated to owners that have not yet been applied. This diagnostic includes details such as the portfolio ledger associated with the credit, the relevant property (if applicable), the vendor responsible for the credit (which may include the property management company), and the total amount of the credit.
  • To resolve these items and remove them from the diagnostic, you must apply the credits to outstanding bills for the respective owner. Ensure that the bill corresponds to the owner who is receiving the credit and that it is allocated to the vendor that issued the credit. For additional guidance on how to apply these credits, please refer to this article.

Below is the money out credits section where you can view all vendor credits and make any necessary updates.



Credit Debit Mismatch

  • The credit debit mismatch diagnostic is a tool utilized exclusively by the Rentvine team to identify any discrepancies that may arise from automated processes within the system. Ideally, this diagnostic should not display any entries. If you do encounter any items in this section, please contact for assistance in resolving the issue.