How to Reimburse the Property Management Company When a Vendor is Paid Using the Business/Corporate Bank Account or a Business Credit Card Instead of the Trust Bank Account.

Did you pay a vendor outside of Rentvine using your business/corporate bank account or business credit card and need to be reimbursed by the unit/owner?

In Step 1, you will learn how to generate a bill for a reimbursement owed by the owner or unit to the property management company.  Step 2, will show you how to collect the reimbursement amount.


Step 1 - Add / Create a Bill

  • Click on the Quick Actions menu and select Add Bill.

  • Enter the following details
    • Payee - Type to search for the name of your management company.  It is usually designated with a tag "Management Company".  Select it.
    • Enter the Bill Date and Date Due.
    • Invoice #, Payment Menu are optional
    • Work Order - Type in a work order # if you want to associate the bill to a work order
    • Override Bank Account - Click this button only if you wish to choose a bank account other than the default bank account of the Paid By (Payer).
    • Paid By (Payer) - Select who is reimbursing the management company.  This can be the Portfolio, Property or Unit.
    • Account - Select the appropriate chart of account.  This is typically an expense account.
    • Amount - Enter the amount that you want to be reimbursed.
    • Description - Enter text to describe the reimbursement (This will show on the owner statement).
    • Click on Add Charge button if you want to enter additional line items.
    • Click Save.

Step 2 - Pay the Bill