How to Create a New Posting Setting

This article will show you how to create a New Posting Setting within Rentvine.

  • To create a New Posting Setting, you will need to go to the Settings

  • In the Settings menu, click Postings

  • This will bring you to the Postings screen and show all Postings Settings you have created on your account


  • Click the green button labeled ‘ + New Posting Setting'

  • Enter the Posting Settings information: 
    • Name (required) - This is the name of the Posting Setting
    • Operating Trust Bank Account (required) - This will be where all charges that are not marked as Held Liability will be allocated; An example would be Rent Income
    • Escrow Trust Bank Account (required) - This is where all charges marked as a Held Liability & Tracked as Security Deposit should be allocated; An example would be a Security Deposit
    • Lease Refund Bank Account (required) - Which bank account a tenant is refunded during the move-out flow

To check if a Chart of account is marked as Held Liability, go to the chart of account settings and if the Held Liability toggle is green, this means it is a Held Liability

  • Click Save to finish creating this Posting Setting


Changing a Posting Setting on a portfolio will not automatically transfer funds from the previously linked Bank Accounts to the new Bank Accounts associated with the updated Posting Setting. You will need to complete a bank transfer to transfer these funds, How to do a Bank Transfer