This article explains how to add a new portfolio to your Rentvine account. This will be when you take on new owners or if you want to create a different portfolio for certain owners properties.
Rentvine can handle your most complicated portfolio configurations. A portfolio can be one or many owners with one or many properties. Rentvine can handle your toughest portfolio needs, helping you land more clients!
Portfolio Ledger
A portfolio holds the ledger which tracks all the income and expenses across all of the properties held by the portfolio and tracks all of the owner contact(s) distributions and contributions
Owner Statements
Owner Statements are created and sent to the owner contacts of their respective portfolio(s).
Instant and Precise Tax Reporting for Investors
Assign asset ownership percentages to each and every owner of a portfolio including LLC’s, trusts, or partnerships.
Fast and Accurate Distribution to Portfolios with Multiple Owners
Rentvine can send all monies to one owner, or exact percentages to multiple owners. Just like with taxes, fund distributions are custom, and the distribution percentages can be different from the tax percentages.
Save Time and Money When Distributing Funds.
Pay every owner accurately, quickly, and exactly how they want to receive their funds. Save money on your disbursements too. Pay owners via Check, echeck (ACH) or NACHA so owners receive their funds quickly and accurately through their preferred payment method.
Create a New Portfolio
Option 1: From the top bar click Quick Actions, then click on New Portfolio.
Option 2: From the left navigation menu click on PORTFOLIOS then click on the green Actions button and select New Portfolio from the dropdown menu.
Enter Portfolio Information
Owners section (required) -
you have the choice to add and existing owner or add a new owner. **You must add at least one owner to create a portfolio**
- Add Existing Owner - Click this button if you want to add an owner to this portfolio that you’ve already added into Rentvine. A new small window will appear, search for the owner and then select the applicable owner.
- Add New Owner - Click this button if you want to add a new owner that does not already exist in Rentvine. A new side window will appear, enter the new owner information, ie. name, address, tax id, payout info, etc...and save.
Add one or more owners, and apply their respective distribution percentage.
Fill out the remaining fields
- Portfolio Name (required) - Give the Portfolio a name. It defaults to the same name as the owner(s), but you can change it.
- Fiscal Year End (required) - Enter the month that the fiscal year ends for this portfolio.
- Minimum Distribution Amount - Enter the dollar amount if you want to set a minimum distribution amount on this portfolio. Do not enter an amount if you do not want to set any limits
- Maximum Distribution Amount - Enter the dollar amount if you want to set a maximum distribution amount for this portfolio. Do not enter an amount if you do not want to set any limits
- Overdraft Override Amount - If you are allowed to draw the operating balance of this portfolio into the negative when paying bills, enter the appropriate dollar amount. (ie., enter $1000.00 if you allow this portfolio's operating balance to fall to -$1000.00)
- Posting Setting (required) - Select the applicable posting setting.
- Statement Setting (required) - Select the applicable owner statement that you want to send to the owners of this portfolio.
- Attach Files - Attach files that are relevant to this portfolio
When complete, click the green Save button on the bottom of the form. If you need to add another portfolio, click the Save and Add Another button instead.