What is a Watcher on a Work Order?

Do you need an additional user to be notified for events that occur on a work order

A Watcher refers to users who have a vested interest in a work order and receive the same notifications as the assignee. If a user adds a note, edits a field, sends a chat or sends an email, they are automatically added as a watcher to the work order. Watchers can also be added manually. Watchers will receive all of the same notifications that the assignee receives.


  • To add a watcher to a work order you can go to a specific work order. On this page you can click the two blue arrows in the top right to pull out a sidebar.  In here you will see a "Watchers" tab that you can click to drop down.
    •  You can add yourself as a watcher to be notified by clicking the start watching button.
    • You can add users in the system to be watchers by selecting them from the dropdown list. 
    • You can also remove watchers by clicking the "X" next to their name on this page.


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