Proof of Authorization (POA) for a Tenant or Owner Payment (Money In) - ACH ChargeBack (over 60 days)

Did you receive an email from Forte asking for Proof of Authorization (POA) for one of the payments you received from a tenant or owner? See the article below for more information of what it means and what to do


If the ACH Chargeback is from a payment that is WITHIN 60 days, click here for more information

This will typically happen if a resident or owner disputes an eCheck (ACH) (Money In) payment after 60 days

Here is an example of the email:

Subject : POA Request 123 PM MID 99999 Authorization for [Tenant or Owner Name]

Body :


 Today, CSG Forte received a request for a copy of the Proof of Authorization (a “POA”) for the payment transaction identified below. A POA is authorization you obtained from your customer to debit their bank account for a specific amount on a specific date. 

The POA may be a signed receipt, written contract or other documentation (as specifically described below) that you have retained relating to the specific payment transaction.

 Please provide a copy of the POA requested to us by 4/1/2023.

 Authorization Requirements by Transaction Type:  WEB – Please provide a copy of the internet authorization, along with authorization time and date stamp (basic WEB documentation requirements are attached). 

 Individual/Business Name: Tenant or Owner Name

Individual/Business Account Number: *****4444

Transaction Amount: $1,500

Transaction Date:   1/31/2023


Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this request for a POA.”


This happens when Forte, Rentvine’s partnered payment processor, receives a POA (Proof of Authorization) requests from banks when a tenant or owner states that a transaction was not authorized by them.

In order to resolve this quickly and avoid a reversal of the payment please reply to the email from Forte by providing a document showing at least the last 4 digits of the debited account.  A receipt of the payment will usually satisfy the request.  You can print the receipt as a PDF by going to the details of the payment in Rentvine, click the green actions button and select print. In addition you may need to provide a copy of the lease agreement (for a tenant)  or management agreement (for an owner). This is very important as this is the tenant or owner bank's way of verifying that the transaction was indeed authorized in the correct bank account.

How to print a tenant receipt:

  1. Click into the lease where the payment in question is from
  2. Once in the lease, click on the Transactions tab. This will show all of the payments and charges for this particular lease

  3. When you have located the payment, click on the amount of the payment to take you into the Payment Details

  4. In the Payment Details, click on the green Actions button and select Print

  5. A PDF of the receipt will open.  You can then download it and provide it to Forte.