Owner File Sharing Matrix

Are you sharing files with an owner and are curious where these will appear in their portal? This article will walk you through the files sharing process and show exactly where those appear for your owners to view.

The image below shows the file-sharing matrix between the property management side and the owner portal. 


Please note that along with file sharing, you can now share folders. When a folder is shared with the owner they will see the folder and all of the documents within it.



  • Files that are shared from the portfolio or at the owner contact level will reflect within the files tab of the owner portal. The owner can easily navigate to the files tab to view these shared documents.

Property Manager Side


Owner Portal



  • You can share files at the property level and at the association level.  The owner can now view these by clicking on the properties tab, clicking into a property,  and viewing these from the files tab.

Property Manager Side


Owner Portal



  • You can share files at the unit level and at the lease level. The owner can now view these by clicking on the properties tab, clicking into a property,  clicking into the unit,  and viewing these from the files tab. 

Please note that this is for multi-unit properties, if this is on a single-unit property without units then these will appear on the property files tab. 

Property Manager Side


Owner Portal



  • Files that are shared from a work order files tab will be reflected in the files tab of work orders that are published to the owner portal. The owner can navigate to their work orders tab, click on the specific work order, and click on the files tab to view all files that have been shared.

Property Manager Side


Owner Portal



  • Files that are shared from the work order estimate files tab will be reflected under the files section of the owner's "Estimates" tab. You can share these files by sending the estimate for approval and turning on the toggle to share the files.  The owner will be able to view these by clicking on their estimates tab, clicking on the estimate,  and viewing the files tab from this estimate.

Property Manager Side


Owner Portal



  • There are also bill files that can be shared to the owner portal.  Once shared from the management side the owner will be able to view these under their bills tab,  click on a bill, and view the files tab.

Property Manager Side


Owner Portal