Owner Contact Foreign Address-Phone Number

Does your company currently deal with foreign owner outside the U.S ? If you we have the Ability to add their contact information for the current country.

Within Rentvine you are able to user foreign numbers and address for you owner contact details page, I will guide you step by step on how to achieve this process below!


  1. On the home screen please head over to "Contacts" and click on the owner contact.
  2. Please search the current contact you need to change their information to. Once you have selected your contact it will take you to their details page. From there you will be able to see their Phone/Email/Address fields that we are able to fill out.
  3. To edit the phone number click on the blue icon that says "New Number". Once you click on that actions button you will see a side tab appear for you to enter that information. Under the Subject "Number" as a default you will see a U.S flag and next to it a drop down button. Go ahead and click on that drop down and select which country your owner resides in.*** Please make sure the system will not let you save the number is it fake.***
  4. Now to add their address is the same step, let's go over to the address subject and click "New Address". From here you will need to change the country drop down before you enter the address. Once it is change you will enter the address and hit save.

***Please note you are able to follow the same steps when creating a new owner contact you will have the same drop downs in their details page. If you are still struggling with this and need more help you can send us a ticket to Support@rentvine.com and one of our team member will reach out to you!