How to Void a Lease Charge that has a Receipt Allocated to It

Do you need to void a charge on a lease but don't see the option to void it? This is most likely because there is a receipt applied to the charge. This article will show you how to unallocate the receipt and void the charge.


  • To get started you will need to go to the lease and click on the transactions tab. This will show you all of the tenant receipts, lease charges, and credits attached to this lease. 

For this example, you will notice that there is a $1000 charge for Rent and a $1000 receipt. $900 of the receipt is applied to the rent charge. Even though the charge isn't fully paid you still do not have the option to void. No amount of a receipt can be applied to a charge in order to void it.


  • The next step would be to click on the charge you would like to void. This will take you to the lease charge information screen. If you scroll down on this page you will be able to see the allocated receipt that is applied to this charge. You will need to click this receipt to continue.


  • This takes you to the receipt information screen. Here you will be able to scroll down to the "Applied To" field where you can see all of the charges a certain receipt is allocated to. In this box, you will click "Reapply" 


  • This will allow you to reallocate the receipt. You will need to type in a zero for the charge you are looking to void. This makes it so no receipt is applied to the charge. For this example there is $900 receipt applied to the rent income charge so this needs to be zeroed out. When you are done you can click the green reapply button at the bottom to save these changes. 

Please note that multiple receipts could be applied to a charge. If this is the case then you would need to repeat this process for all receipts currently applying to that charge.


  • Once this is done you will need to go back to the lease transactions tab. You will see that the charge will have a flag with "Amount Unpaid". This should be the total of the actual charge as there are now no receipts applied to it. You can now click on the charge you would like to void. From the green actions button on this page, you will now have the option to void.