How to Use Reports

This article will help you navigate through the reports section in Rentvine. Here are the categories listed under the report section: Saved Reports/Accounting/Property/Tenant/Vendor/ Screening/General/Lease/Maintenance


Accounting Reports:  Under the accounting section you will be able to pull reports like Balance sheets, Cash Flow reports, Check Register, Bank ledgers, Unit management fees, Sales tax, chart of accounts, income statements along with many other categories.  You will also be able to customize these reports, for example changing the date field or putting in a dollar amount to search for. 

Property Reports:  Property reports will allow you to pull from different properties or property groups to easily find what you're looking for.  You can search by units under this section and customize the report fields as well.  Categories under this section include: Properties, units, listings, appliances, vacancy, property groups and associations.  

Portfolio Reports:  Portfolio reports allow you to search by owner or portfolio.  You can also find each portfolio balance here in this section.  There is customizable search fields you can get set to narrow your search down.  Categories under this section include: Owners, portfolios, portfolio balances and owner unit.  


Tenant Reports:  In this section you will find a Tenant ledger report along with the Tenant report.  You will be able to see each tenants ledger and customize what you need for this report.  Quickly get reports for tenants using the Tenant tab.  Pull reports like delinquency reports, tenant ledger reports and tenant unpaid charges for example.  


Vendor Reports:  In the Vendor report section you will see the Vendor Ledger report.  This will help keep you organized on which vendors you use and also how much your spending with each vendor.  Pull a list of all your vendors with the Vendor report.  


Screening Reports:  The screening report section allows you to see all of your screening payment that have gone through or pending and the payouts.  You will also see a section for Refunds.


General Reports:  Under General reports there is a section to pull reports off your notes in the system.  This will give you details on when the note was posted and if it is shared with the owner for example.  If you select the Email tab you can search for emails you have sent out in the past to make it easier to find what you're looking for. 

Customize Note Report:

Customize Email Report:


Maintenance Reports:  In this section you can pull reports off your work orders. You can customize by property, portfolios, leases or vendors.  Also you able to customize by date as well.  You can pull reports for Recurring work orders, inspections and much more with this report setting.