How to Set the Default for Pending Bank Transfers During the Move Out

Do you use/never use the pending bank transfers during the move out and want to make sure they are always on/off when going through the move out flow? This article will show you how to set the default for whichever setting you prefer.

If you need additional information regarding the pending bank transfers and how to use them please follow this article.


  • The first thing you will need to do is go to your global settings and click lease settings. 

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  • In here you will be able to click edit in the top right. This will allow you to change all of the lease settings. For the bank transfers you will either need to turn off the toggle for "Create Pending Bank Transfer on Move Out". Clicking save here will make this the default option.

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  • This will make it so whenever you go through the move out the toggle for creating the pending bank transfers will either automatically be turned off or turned on based off your selection. 

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