How to Set a Primary Tenant and Reorder Tenants on a Lease

Do you have a tenant set as a primary tenant and want to change it or have tenants showing in the wrong order on certain reports? This article will show you how to set a primary tenant and how to reorder those tenants.

To get started you will need to go into a specific lease. Start by clicking on the leases tab and then clicking into a lease you would like to edit.

To edit these you will need to scroll down in the details tab of this lease. You will see a section labeled tenants. This is where we will be able to make both of these changes.

You will see that one tenant is already set to a primary tenant. You can see this by looking for the green tag next to the tenants name labeled "Primary". If you need to change this you can click the ellipses next to the tenant you would like to make the primary. You can then click the button labeled "Set Primary". This will then put the primary tag next to their name and they will become the first name you see on the lease and be the tenant that is pulled when "Primary Tenant" options are selected in reporting.

Once the primary is set they will always be the first contact attached to the lease. You are still able to change the order though for the second contact, third contact, fourth contact, etc. To do this stay in the "Tenants" section of this lease. You will need to click the blue actions button in the top of the box and then click reorder. This will allow you to drag and drop the additional tenants to put them in whatever order you would like. Make sure to click "Save Order" to confirm this. Please note that this will change the order that the tenants show on the lease and the order they will show in reporting.