How to share files with an owner from a portfolio & how to share files with an owner from a bill

This article will show you how to share files with owners from the portfolio view and also show you how to share a file from a bill to an owner

How to Share a File With An Owner From A Portfolio

How to Share a File With An Owner From A Bill






How to Share a File With An Owner From A Portfolio

  • From the dashboard view of Rentvine, click on the Portfolio dropdown on the left hand side
  • Select the portfolio that you would like to work in
  • Once you are in that Portfolio, click on the Files tab
  • In the Files section, you will notice that any file that is not shared with the owner will have ‘not shared’ under the ‘Sharing With’ column

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 3.07.24 PM

  • Locate the file you would like to share and click the ellipsis button on the right
  • Click on the Share With Owner’ button at the bottom of the list

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 3.07.58 PM

  • A prompt will appear that will ask you if you are sure you would like to share that file. It will also ask if you want to send an email notification that you have shared the file. If you leave that toggle option turned on/green, the owner will receive an email notifying them that you shared the file. They can then login to their portal and view the file. If you turn that toggle option off/grey, the owner will not receive the email that you shared the file, but they can still log into their portal to view the file.

  • After deciding whether to send an email notification, click the red Share button to send the file to the owners File section in their portal


Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 3.08.52 PM





How to Share a File With An Owner From A Bill

  • From the dashboard view of Rentvine, Click on ACCOUNTING from the left navigation menu.  Then click on Money Out from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the Bill that you would like to work in
  • Once you are in that Bill, click on the Files tab
  • In the Files section, you will notice that any file that is not shared with the owner will have ‘not shared’ under the ‘Sharing With’ column

 Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 3.09.47 PM

  • Locate the file you would like to share and click the ellipsis button on the right
  • Click on the Share With Owner’ button at the bottom of the list

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 3.10.19 PM

  • A prompt will appear that will ask you if you are sure you would like to share that file. It will also ask if you want to send an email notification that you have shared the file. If you leave that toggle option turned on/green, the owner will receive an email notifying them that you shared the file. They can then login to their portal and view the file. If you turn that toggle option off/grey, the owner will not receive the email that you shared the file, but they can still log into their portal to view the file.
  • After deciding whether to send an email notification, click the red Share button to send the file to the owners File section in their portal