How to Edit the Move In Date, Start Date, and End Date of a Lease

Do you need to change important dates attached to a lease? This article will show you how to edit the move in date, start date, and end date on any lease in Rentvine

1.  Click on the tab labeled "Leases" on the left side of the screen. This will pull up a list of all the leases you have. 


2.  Next you will search for the specific lease you want to change the dates in. You will then click on that property to pull up the lease.


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3.  Stay in the tab labeled "Details". You will then look for a box labeled "Lease Info". In the top right of this box click the blue actions button then click the edit button to pull up fillable fields you can change.


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4.  You will then look for the fillable fields labeled "Move in Date", "Start Date", and "End Date". Fill these out and make sure to click the green save button at the bottom to save any changes made.

Scroll down and click Save when completed.