This article will show you how to create custom fields for any portfolio, lease, property, etc. in Rentvine
1.) First you need to go into your global settings by clicking on the ellipses in the bottom left of your screen. You will then click on the settings button.
2.) This will bring up all of your global settings. In the right column at the bottom look for an option labeled "Custom Fields" and click on it.
3.) You will then select what you want to associate this custom field to. The options for this you can choose are owner, tenant, vendor, lease, property, unit, work order, portfolio, listing, appliance, and association.
Note: Custom fields will attach to the details section of whichever option you select. For example if you add a custom field to tenants it will show up in the detail sections of all tenants and if you add it to a lease then it will show up on all lease details in Rentvine. This is the same for all other options as well.
4.) Once you select one of the options you will be able to add a category. You do this by clicking the green add category in the top right of the page. This will pop out a sidebar and you will insert the name you want for the custom field. Make sure to click the green save button to save the category.
5.) In your new custom field you will be able to add new fields, edit the name, and delete the category. You can do this by clicking on the blue actions in the top right of the field.
6.) If you select the "new field" option a pop out tab will appear. You will be able to select a name for this field and the field type. Make sure to click save when done to save the field. The field type options are:
- Single Line Text: Gives you a single line to fill inside of the field
- Paragraph: Gives a larger box to fill in on the custom field
- Dropdown: Gives you options through a dropdown field
- Toggle: Gives a toggle box to select (Ex. [No][N/A][Yes])
- Date: Lets you enter in the date easily in the custom field
- Numeric: Lets you add any numerical value to the field
- Currency: Lets you add a monetary value to any field
- Whole Number: Lets you easily add whole numbers to the field
For the dropdown option: if you select the dropdown field a blank field will appear underneath the option. You will be able to click on this and type in the dropdown options. After you type one option make sure to click the enter key to save the option. You can add as many as you would like.
7.) Once you have created the custom field you will now be able to view it and fill it out in whatever section you attached it to. For example a lease custom field will be available in the lease details section.
Note: Now when running reports you can filter and pull by your custom fields if you would like