How to Charge a One Time Fee to a Portfolio (Owner), Property or Unit

In the system you can post a fee to a portfolio, property/unit. This article will show you how to do that on both Manager Ledger mode and Bill Mode

Manager Ledger Only

To post a one time fee to a portfolio, property or unit:

  • From the left navigation menu click on ACCOUNTING then from the dropdown menu click on Manager.
  • Click on the green Actions button on the top right then click on Post New Management Fees from the dropdown menu.
  • Fill out the fields on the form.
    • Ledger - Choose who you are charging the fee to (portfolio, property or unit).
    • Date Posted - Choose charge date
    • Amount - Dollar amount
    • Description - Reason for Fee
    • Bank Account - Choose the bank account
    • Portfolio Expense Account - Choose applicable expense account to portfolio ledger
    • Manager Income Account - Choose applicable income account to the manager ledger
    • Click Save


Bill Mode Only

To post a one time fee to multiple portfolios, properties or units:

    • From the left navigation menu click on ACCOUNTING then from the dropdown menu click on Manager.
    • Click on the green Actions button on the top right then click on Post Bulk Management Fees from the dropdown menu.
    • Choose a type - What type do you want to charge this fee? Portfolio, Unit or Property
    • Fill out the fields on the form.
      • Select - Choose who you are posting the fee to by selecting the box next to the portfolio, unit or property.
      • Date Posted - Choose charge date
      • Account - Choose applicable expense account to portfolio ledger
      • Manager Income Account - Choose applicable income account to the manager ledger
      • Amount - Dollar amount
      • Description - Reason for Fee
      • Click Submit