How to Auto Lock Tenant Payments After a Certain Number of Returns

Do you have tenants that have payments that keep returning and you want to automatically disable payments after a certain number of returns? This article will show you how to set this up.

  • You will first need to go to your global settings. In here you will need to click on your accounting settings. 

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  • Scroll down to the leases section and click the edit button in the top right of this box. This will allow you to turn on the toggle for "Auto Lock Tenant Payments on Return" Activating this toggle will allow you to edit two additional fields
    • Number of Returns Necessary to Lock the Portal- this will allow you to change how many times this needs to happen to disable portal payments on a lease
    • Require Certified Funds when Locking the Portal- this will be additional information in the tenants portal. This will let them know that certified funds are necessary to make a payment.

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  • Once you click save here the tenants portal will be automatically be locked based on the parameters set. The tenant portal will either show that the portal payments are disabled or certified funds are required based on if you have the certified funds toggle selected.