How to Add new Addendum Template?

  • From Dashboard
  • Go to the settings page (click on the ellipsis next to your name in the lower left corner of the page and select Settings)

  • Once you are within the Settings of your Rentvine account you will locate the Screening section.
  • Click Addendum Templates

  • Click New Addendum Template

  • Name the New Addendum
    • For example: Test 2
  • Click Save

  • On the Addendum Page Manager you will Click Upload Document

  • Drag file to upload or click inside the box to open dialog (highlighted in green)

  • Our system will then integrate the document into our system
  •  If this document has multiple pages you will see them under Pages
  • You can Click the Three Line icon to reorder the pages
    • If you reordered the pages Click Save Order
  • Click the Trash Can icon to delete the pages
  • To add more pages to this addendum Click Upload Document
  • Click Go To Builder

  • Once on the Addendum Builder Page you can view the document you uploaded
  • Under Standard Fields you will see the fields you can insert within your Addendum

  • Click on the specific field you would like to incorporate within the addendum
  • Click on the area where you would like the field to be Signed, Dated, Initialed, etc.
  • Once you are complete Click Save and Close


  • To add the Addendum to your current Application Template please visit the article, "How to Add an Addendum Template to an Application Template?"