How to Add a Charge to a Lease

This article will show you how to add any one-time charge to a lease for the tenant to pay

  1. Start by going into the lease for which you want to add a charge
    1. Click on Leases on the left side
    2. In the lease search box, search for the address or tenant(s)
    3. Click on the lease when you have found the correct leaseScreenshot 2024-06-05 at 2.59.04 PM
  2. Once in the lease, click the green Actions button
  3. Select Add Charge from the dropdown
    Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 3.01.31 PM
  4. On the next screen, enter the required information 
    1. Enter/Select the Account from the drop down for the charge that you would like to add
    2. Enter the Amount of the charge
    3. Enter the Date Posted
    4. The Description of the charge will default to the name of the account, but you can update this if needed
    5. Click the green Save or Save and Add Another button at the bottom
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