How To Add-Edit Automated Vendor Entry Instructions under the Property-Unit

In this article, you will learn about an exciting new feature that allows you to easily add automated instructions for vendors when they need to enter a property after a work order is created and the tenant has granted entry.

  • On the Rentvine home screen go on the left side and click on the property tab and select properties. On the search bar go ahead type in your property and select.Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.09.53 AM
  • Once you have arrived to the property details page go ahead and select the Settings. On the settings tab click on the Pencil Icon next to the Maintenance Settings. Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.10.58 AM
  • Once the edit settings comes up type your instructions under the Vendor Entry Instructions box and once completed hit the green save button.Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.12.43 AM
  • Now when creating a new Work Order from with this property, if you scroll down to the vendor Property Access and you select Vendor May Access The Property you will notice those instructions transferred  over from your saved settings.

This new feature only applies when choosing the option "Vendor May Access the Property." If you select any other option, you will still have the ability to add additional notes, but the automated entry instructions will not be included.

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