How to Add/Edit a Recurring Bill

Set up a recurring bill to automatically go out on the timeline you set up. This article will also show you how to edit a recurring bill.

  • From the dashboard view of Rentvine, click on the Accounting dropdown on the left hand side
  • Click on Money Out from the dropdown
  • On the right hand side, click on the green Actions button and select Add Recurring Bill

  • On the next screen, enter the Bill Details:
  • Enter/ Select Payee ( This field is required.)
  • Enter the Payment Memo
  • Enter the Description
  • Enter the Start Date (This field is required)
  • In the Ends Section, select the monthly recurring date and frequency.
  • In the Repeat Every section, select the frequency of the charges.

  • In the Paid By section enter in the portfolio/property/unit that is paying this bill.
  • In the Account field enter in the general ledger account that is being used
  • Enter the Amount
  • Enter a Description for this itemized recurring bill charge.
  • Click the Save button
  • You can create multiple Recurring bills with the same bill details entered previously by clicking Add Recurring Bill Charge.




How To Edit a Recurring Bill

  • From the dashboard view of Rentvine, click on the Accounting dropdown on the left hand side
  • Click on Money Out from the dropdown
  • On the next screen, enter the bill on the search field that you would like to change.

  • From the search results, click on the Edit button

    • Enter the Payment Memo
    • Enter the Description
    • Enter the Start Date (This field is required.)
    • In the Ends Section, select the monthly recurring date and frequency.
    • In the Repeat Every section, select the frequency of the charges.
    • Click Save Button