How to Add a Homeowners' Association

Do you have an HOA that you would like to add to the property HOA section? This article will show you how to create that contact for the HOA.

    • From the dashboard view of Rentvine, click on the Property dropdown on the left-hand side
    • Click on Associations from the dropdown
    • On the right-hand side, click on the Add New Association button.


    • On the next screen, fill out the Association Details
    • Enter the Name
    • Enter the Website URL ( Optional)
    • Override Name to Owner- This will be what the owner sees whenever a bill is paid out to this Association.
    • Select Default Charge Account - This is the default account that will be used when entering a bill for this HOA.


    • Enter the Email Address and Phone Number or click on the Add Email button and Add Phone Button to add more.

    • Enter the Address or click on the Add Address button to add another address


  • Fill out the Payment Information section (How do you want to pay this HOA?):
    •  Click on Hold Payments toggle button if you would like to hold the payments
    • Under Paid By, select the correct payment method


  • Fill out the Tax Information section:
    •  Enter  Payee Name
    •  Enter Tax ID
    •  Enter Form Type
    • You can also turn off a toggle to Enable Billing Sales Tax