How do I syndicate my listings to Zillow?

Connect your Rentvine listings to your zillow account.

Zillow is one of the many syndication partners that Rentvine integrates with. In order to set up your data feed between Zillow and Rentvine you must have a signed feed agreement with Zillow. This is a specific account type and agreement that authorizes Zillow to pick up your property data from another approved location and may charge you for those listings.

There are a few different types of Zillow accounts. You must have a rental account with a Feed agreement between you and Zillow.

I have a signed feed agreement:

If you already have a signed agreement in place simply email Notify them that you wish to setup your rental property feed from Rentvine. Include your company name and Rentvine account ID. Your Rentvine account ID Can be found in your marketing settings. 



I DO NOT have a signed feed agreement:

To get an agreement signed and in place with Zillow, please email  Explain that you would like to get a feed agreement in place for your account to feed your property data from Rentvine. Include your company name and Rentvine account ID. Your account ID Can be found in your marketing settings. 

How long does it take to get the feed setup?

We usually see a pretty quick turnaround time to get the feed setup for accounts with an existing agreement, usually within 2 business days. It will take a bit longer for accounts to establish a new agreement if one does not already exist. 

Please let our support team know if you have any issues with Zillow support and we can help try to push things along. 

How do I get my properties added to the feed?

When marketing your properties be sure to select the correct options for syndication. If you choose to select Zillow, the listing will instantly be available for Zillow to pick up. There will be a delay as we do not control how often Zillow picks up data from our system.

This will be the same for removing a property from syndication. We remove it from our feed instantly, but the syndication partners need to check our system for updates before you will see the property removed from the partner websites.

Do I need to complete this process if my showing provider is handling my syndication?

No you do not. If your showing provider is handling your property syndication and you wish to continue with that process you do not need to change anything with Zillow. To help avoid duplicate listings please do not syndicate your listings to anywhere other than "website". Website is how you add and remove properties from showing on your website. This does not affect third party syndication partners.