This article will walk you through how to create a lease from an application that was submitted on a property.
1- Navigate to the "Screening" tab on the left hand navigation bar and select "Applications"
2- Find the application you are wanting to create the lease for and click on the application
3- Using the green "Actions" button select "Create Lease". You will now be asked to enter the specifics of the lease through a lease generation flow
- Details - Here you will be selecting the start and end dates of the lease along with the move in dates. Also on this page you will select your late fee setting for this lease and the specific agreed upon rent amount. Select "Next" at the bottom to proceed to the next section
- Tenants - Rentvine will automatically enter the Tenants information from the application that you selected. You can also enter any renters insurance information on this page as well and is optional. Once satisfied with your entries go ahead and select "Next" at the bottom to proceed to the next section
- Move In Charges - These are any charges that will show on the lease as one time charges based on the dates you enter. Here you will also be able to use the prorate feature if you wish to charge the tenant a partial amount of rent for the month. To do this you simply select the prorate button, you will see the rent is auto populated along with the move in date and due date (you can alter any of these now if you like). Once satisfied with your inputs go ahead and select "Calculate". You will see a confirmation box that has your prorated amount based on your entries, you can now select "Set Prorate"
- Recurring Charges - These are any charges you create that will automatically apply to the lease each month on the start date and will continue to charge until the end date. If you leave the end date empty, these charges will continue until the lease is no longer "Active" or until you set an end date
Review and Complete - This is a detailed breakdown of the lease you created and will review important information like the Rent Amount, Tenants Information, and the Move in / Recurring charges. If there are any corrections needed you can use the "Previous" buttons to change a section or you can simply use the "Edit" features in each category. Lastly you can instantly send "Portal Invitations" and "Activate" the lease from this final review page by simply using the toggle buttons. Your lease will be created one you choose the "Submit" button on the bottom of the screen
*Note: If there is an active lease on the property you cannot use the "Activate lease" option, you will instead leave it toggled "Off" and the lease will be "Pending" until the current lease is closed.